Healthy Habits - Eat to 80 Percent Full

 Healthy Habits - Eat to 80 Percent Full

We've all heard this before - the concept of stopping before we are "full". But what is "full"? For most people, full is when our stomachs are stuffed and we don't feel like we could take another bite. In fact, these are the feelings of "overeating". We want to take on becoming aware of what "fully satiated" feels like. That is - you are no longer hungry - not that you're stuffed.

The 80% reference comes out of a cultural practice from the Okinawa region of Japan. And, since there are four times more people living past the age of 100 in Okinawa than in the western regions... they seem to have figured out a something. Their overall nutritional focus in on lower calories and particular food groups - but more about that in another post.

So how do we discover when we're 80% full? Best practice is to slow down you're eating. It takes time for your body to process that its' receiving food, start digestion, and release the hormones that travel to your brain to indicate you are full. Many of us eat on autopilot (possibly while on our phones, or watching tv). Brining mindfulness to your eating will help you to slow down and allow the body to register that it's been fed, before you over-stuff. 

Things to practices include:
a) putting your utensils down after every bite
b) practice mindfulness by not watching TV or being on electronic devices while eating
c) have conversations while eating
d) use smaller plates and tall narrow cups - these options will prevent your portions from being too large. Always wait 15 minutes before getting another serving - which will allow your brain time to process how much food you've eaten

Take on eating to 80% full as a habit to build this month. Set reminders for yourself before each meal. Focus on this habit while eating. Create a reward for yourself (no it's not a second serving) when you successfully execute your new habit during a meal (or for a whole day).

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