Begin Where You Are!

Begin Where You Are!

This is the first post in our Body Image series - and we're starting right at the beginning.  For clarity - that's where you are now!  "Begin Where You Are" is the foundation of all my client work and program design.  

This means getting in touch with what is so - right now.  We are less concerned with "how you got here" and we'll look at that as we look at building new habits.  Start off with just getting what is so at the moment.  We'll take on weight, body fat percentage, and measurements - without any judgement or significance - these are only numbers - and they will help us to evaluate your accomplishments along the journey.  Progress pictures (before / during / after) are also a great way to document your journey and be with where you're starting.  

The key here is to get that there is nothing wrong with where you're starting.  You may have all kinds of thoughts about your body image - and we'll work to really get that there is nothing "wrong".  Once we can be with what is so, we can powerfully start to create the outcomes that you are committed to creating and design a plan to achieve your goals.

Your mindset around body image and weight loss is critical for generating results.  We work together to look at and complete the stories and conversations you have about your body, your weight, and the weight loss experience.  From there we create new conversations and beliefs around your body, weight, and the journey (I actually like "adventure") that you're on and we'll play your body transformation game inside those. 

The result - you'll be light up about being active, in action, healthy eating and the results will follow!  Questions about the mind-body connection and body image or weight loss - let's connect!

#HealthyLivingWarrior #GayPersonalTrainer #GayTrainer #PersonalTrainer #Trainer #PersonalTraining #Training #OnlinePersonalTraining #Fitness #FitnessGoals #BodyImage #PerfectAsIs #BodyNotEqualToLife #PositiveMindset #CreatedLife #WarriorMindset #OwnYourDay #ThoughtsBecomeThings #Powerful #Happy #MindBodyConnection #Mindfulness #Thoughts #Feelings #PlayOffenseNotDefense


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