Hypertrophy - Repetition Range
Hypertrophy - Repetition Range
You're on a mission to gain size and muscle mass in the gym! So - what does your workout look like? How many reps are you doing inside your workout support maximal muscle hypertrophy?
- Target 90 reps over 9 sets
- Based on 1 exercise / muscle group
- 3 sets in the 8-12 range
- 3 x / week
- Target 132 reps over 12 sets
- Based on 2 exercises / muscle group
- 3 sets in the 8-12 range
- 2 x / week
- Target 210 reps over 18 sets
- Based on 3 exercises / muscle group
- 3 sets in the 8-12 range
- 2 x / week
As you progress through the blocks, you'll take on more volume with somewhat less intensity for maximal results!
Want support to design and periodize your program so you aren't just bouncing around the gym lifting weights without results? Reach out and let's create a program designed to reach your goals!
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