How Much Protein for Weight Loss?

How Much Protein Do I Need for Weight Loss?

I liken protein to the almost magical component of training, muscle building and weight loss!  It's critical to the point where it is the starting point for macronutrient meal plan planning. 
For weight loss goals, adequate protein is critical as protein is "muscle sparing" - you want to lose fat mass - not just weight.  You want to retain the lean muscle mass you have on your body - and for that you want adequate levels of protein.

So how much you ask?  For weight loss programs, you want to make sure that you're consuming 2 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight.  So a 180 pound male (81.65 kg) should be consuming 164 grams of protein each day.  Since protein has 4 calories per gram, this means that 656 calories of their daily food consumption should come from protein sources. 

Does that seem like a lot to you?  Chances are that you haven't been getting enough protein during your past weight loss adventures - and as a result you'll lose both fat mass and lean muscle mass (that you'll then want to rebuild late).  Let's do your math to discover what works for you to have your journey be effective and enjoyable! 

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