Sunday Soul Search - Warrior Values

Sunday Soul Search - Warrior Values

I always talk Values at the first of the year with people. Not that they change from year to year - but this is the time to check in, reflect on the year that was, and recommit to the values that will guide you through 2021.

Our values ground us - and can serve to guide us as we choose between different opportunities, games we play, and actions to take when a breakdown occurs in our life. Consider you don't "choose" your values, rather you "discover them".

Today, take on getting in touch with your personal values:
a) Look back at your personal and career life - when were you the happiest, most proud, fulfilled or satisfied?
b) Take those experiences - and look for words in a Personal Values Word List that resonate for you. Look for 10 or so to start.
c) Prioritize your tope values
d) Reaffirm your top 3-4 values

These will be the values that guide you throughout the year as you make choices and confront breakdowns in the games you're out to play!

Download your Warrior Personal Values word list here.

Happy Discovering!

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