New Year - Same You

 New Year - Same You

Happy New Year Warriors! Today, I want to get real for a few minutes - and this might be a little harsh - but that's what I'm here for.

I'm not posting a whole "New Year - New You" series - or checking in on Resolutions. I'm not diminishing having goals - in fact - goals are critical - and they have to be backed up with NEW Actions.

The hard truth is - you are the same person today that you were on Thursday. January 1st was in fact just a Friday. Nothing happened with the arrival 2021 that magically transformed your nutrition, weight loss, smoking, exercise, or relationship habits. So while the beginning of a new calendar year provides and opportunity to reflect on the year that is completing, examining what worked and didn't work, and creating goals for the year that lies ahead, all of that work will fall flat if you haven't created NEW ACTIONS to take to fulfil on your goals.

NEW actions refer to things you haven't done before - to generate results you haven't generated before. Doing more of the same, will get you more of the same. SO - what are you taking on NEWLY this year?

Do you have health or fitness goals? Are you struggling to figure out how to take NEW actions during a lock down to move forward on those goals? Are you committed to building muscle, losing fat (think that COVID-20lbs), or improving your fitness (cardio, flexibility, or strength)? 

If you're not working with a professional to provide GUIDANCE and ACCOUNTABILITY on your journey, the results are predicable. Let's connect and we'll create NEW ACTIONS you can take, even during a lockdown, to move forward on your fitness goals!  A Personal Trainer can provide at home options with minimal equipment that can have you moving forward on your goals TOMORROW!  We'll create new actions for strength, cardio, and nutrition habits that are sustainable and designed to achieve your goals. 

I'm committed that 2021 is the year you discover yourself newly and get to live your best healthy life. By creating NEW ACTIONS, you won't even recognize yourself next December! Book your free consultation call at to discover what's possible.

#HealthyLivingWarrior #GayPersonalTrainer #GayTrainer #PersonalTrainer #Trainer #NewYearsResolution #NewYear #January #FreshStart #Goals #PersonalTraining #Training #OnlinePersonalTraining #Fitness #FitnessGoals #LGBT #LGBTQ #GayMuscle #MuscleCub #LGBTFitness #Opportunity #Results #JoinMe #2021 #WeightLoss #Healthy #Cardio #Flexibility #Strength #Resolution


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