Muscle Monday - Pectoralis Minor

Pectoralis Minor - #MuscleMonday

Today, we go deeper into the chest to the Pectoralis Minor.   This is a thin, flat, triangular muscle that lies under your pectoralis major muscle.  The muscle originates from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs (on each side of the chest) and inserts as a flat tendon at the “coracoid process” of the shoulder blade.

Your pectoralis minor muscle is responsible for stabilization, depression, abduction (or protraction), upward tilt, and downward rotation of the shoulder blade (scapula).  If you have your ribs immobilized, the pectoralis minor brings the scapula forward.  If the scapula is immobilized, then the muscle lifts your rib cage up. 

This deep muscle works with the serratus anterior muscles to create the full range of movement for the scapula.

Building size in this deep muscle will add to your overall chest volume - don’t underestimate the value in making sure you activate this muscle in your training programs!  While you can’t isolate the pectoralis minor, certain exercises will activate it more the the traditional bench presses you’re likely hammering out right now. 

Consider taking on:
 - Chest dips - direct your body weight forward as you press up and down to target the muscle
 - Standing cable fly - requires significant assistance from the pectoralis minor

The pectoralis minor can easily become tight and/or “shortened” through continued poor posture and contribute to rounded shoulder posture and a variety of shoulder joint dysfunctions.  Regular stretching is critical for this muscle - and it’s critical to focus on just stretching the muscle… not torquing on the shoulder!

Stretching options include:
 - doorway lunge stretch
 - foam roller arm circles
 - floor roll-away stretch

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