Simplify Your Space (and Your Life)

My #QuarantineCleaningSpree continues, not in a neurotic - "I'm going to go crazy if I don't find something to do" way, but rather in an intentional - "What is important to me and what do I need in my life" kind of way.

I've always been moved by the peacefulness of minimal design spaces.  

And I've never been able to live like that cause I've just got too much stuff I "need".   As I'm discovering the "need" isn't really about the "having of stuff" - that it's just been striving after things as evidence of being "successful" or "accepted", it becomes easier to let go of the things that do not truly contribute to my joy. 

The bedroom is half done now - and while I didn't take a "before picture" of the mounds of stuff that used to reside on the top of the dressers / night stand, it was a sight to behold. 

This weekend, the closets are on deck.  We have two giant closets in our room.  One is FULL of my "stuff"... Leo uses half of the other one, with the other half housing a collection of rarely worn offseason coats and suitcases.  The real question now is ... if I get rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit, is over-worn, or doesn't really contribute to my life... how much closet space do I really need?

I'm also falling in love with the concept of the #CapsuleWardrobe.  If I bring intentionality to my clothing purchase - rather than pure emotion (or for say the purposes of soothing other emotions), I could live comfortably in 4 - 6 shirts, rather than 56.  Especially with my transition into the fitness space, the demand for anything in this closet has dramatically decreased! 

After pictures to follow on the weekend! Stay safe and productively occupied Warriors! 

#LiveSimply #LessIsMore #Simplicity #LiveWithLess #Minimalism #Environment #HomeEnvironment #HealthyLivingWarrior #GayPersonalTrainer #GayTrainer #PersonalTrainer #Trainer #PersonalTraining #Training #OnlinePersonalTraining #Fitness #FitnessGoals 


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