Show Your Community Some Love

A walk through the Village today for a bit fresh air - and reminded of the value and uniqueness of our little community.  
And at this time, so many of our business are closed - doors plastered with signs, or boarded up entirely as required by their insurance carriers.  Even the 519 Community Center - a hub for so many services for the community is shuttered - local organizations working to find alternate ways to provide services.

We are social creatures - and this will all come to an end eventually.  Until then, give some thought to how you want to re-engage with your community.  It's important not to ease off the restrictions too soon - or it will all have been for not.  And, the longer the shut down, the more pressing the situation will be for organizations and businesses that make up the fabric of our community.  
Everyone is struggling in one way or another through this time.  As we move over the peak, what is your plan to reintegrate into society as restrictions are lifted.  And please - consider how to support our community - the pandemic will NOT be the end of our Village! 

Post-pandemic we'll be coming back together in parks, patios, beaches, bars, sports fields, coffee houses and just chatting together on the streets.  Where will you gather with friends to celebrate the things you love?

Please plan to prioritize your financial support in the community you love - together we can help to make sure we don't lose the community we love - and one that makes Toronto both welcoming and unique!


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