Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day - on the 50th year of this special day!

This post kicks off the beginning of a new series and a new way of life for me.  The Covid-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for me to play with the concept of living Simply.

With lots of free time - and nothing to shop for - I've been evaluating how I've spent my life so far and what I want to create going forward.  This started as creating objectives for my life and my commitment inside the health & fitness space.  I've discovered I've been operating in a very unfocused way for years - always striving after or chasing something. 

This has also involved taking stock of the "stuff" I've accumulated over the years.  I've started cleaning out and getting things pared down to the essentials.  I've spent years amassing stuff that I didn't really need (or in some cases even want) and I'm discovering there's an impact of all the "having" on my quality of life and what I want to create.  There is also a huge impact on our planet as this behaviour replicates across the world.

More on my discoveries and journey to simple to follow... and for now I invite you to start to look at everything in your life.  Consider if it makes your life simpler (or not).  And Choose Simple.

#LiveSimply #LessIsMore #Simplicity #LiveWithLess #Minimalism
#HealthyLivingWarrior #GayPersonalTrainer #GayTrainer #PersonalTrainer #Trainer
#PersonalTraining #Training #OnlinePersonalTraining #Fitness #FitnessGoals
#EarthDay #Love #Green #Planet #Clean


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