Muscle Monday - Deltoid

#MuscleMonday - Deltoid

The Deltoid muscle is what give our shoulders that amazing rounded shape.  There are 3 heads (parts) to this larger triangular shaped muscle.  The muscle wraps around your shoulder joint and each head of the muscle produces a different movement of the shoulder joint.

The Anterior (front) head originates  from the lateral third of the front of the Clavicle.

The Lateral (middle) head originates from the Acromion of the Scapula. 

The Posterior (rear) head originates from the Spine of the Scapula.

All 3 heads come together and insert mid-way along the Humerus (the upper arm bone).

Your deltoid works to prevent partial and full dislocation of the head of the humerus from the shoulder joint - especially when carrying a load.  

All heads of the deltoid work together to cause shoulder abduction.  Additionally, 
- the Anterior (front) muscle fibres work to flex, abduct, medially rotate, and horizontally flex the arm at the shoulder joint. 
- the Posterior (rear) muscle fibres work to extend, abduct, laterally rotate, and horizontally extends the arm at the shoulder joint. 

We’ll work the deltoid through a combination of presses and targeted exercises to round out the shoulder.  You don’t want to neglect any of the 3 heads in terms of both a pleasing full round shoulder and preventing injury!

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